On 2013-08-14, Paul Rubin wrote:
> Jens-D. Doll <jens.doll <at> studium.uni-hamburg.de> writes:

>> when formatting my text I use embedded formula, but am not able to use  
>> subscript/superscript within such a formula. Take for instance xi, make it  
>> a formula and afterwards try to make the i a subscript. 

> Does the error occur if you do the following?

> 1. Type 'xi' as text.
> 2. Select both characters and type ctrl-M to make it a formula.
> 3. Select just the 'i' and type the underscore character?


> 1. Type 'x_i' as text.
> 2. Select the characters and type ctrl-M to make it a formula.

The same problem  
>> occurs when making a text a formula afterwards: all subscripts go lost ...

I suppose this is a different problem, because in LaTeX, text sub/supscripts
are different from math sub/supscripts:

math:  x_i
text:  x\textsub{i}

LyX assumes the "text" to be converted to math with ^M to be LaTeX-math
source code (which is a common way to store mathematical content in 7-bit
ASCII format).


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