On Mon, Sep 2, 2013 at 10:36 PM, Zhan Joyce <jiaz...@umail.iu.edu> wrote:

> Dear all:
> I've a problem inserting the SAS output into my lyx file. I use ODS system
> in SAS and get a tex file. Then I try to use the program listing to add it
> into lys file but failed. What should I do with it? Thank you very much.
> I'm so frustrated with this problem for googling one day!

As Liviu was trying to point out, the file you sent uses LaTeX commands
that have not been defined. I think you need to get the sas style file,
which SAS should give you. You can either put this in the same place as
your .lyx file or install sas.sty as a package, and reconfigure LyX. Then,
you will need to put \usepackage{sas} in your preamble, and maybe also
\usepackage{longtable}. Then, you should be able to include the .tex file
in your LyX document. For more information, see the sas webpage:
http://support.sas.com/rnd/base/ods/odsmarkup/latex.html  Also, I ran
across a document that gives some pretty detailed instructions. It was
evidently written by a fellow named Carl Schwarz. See:

That should hopefully be enough to get you going.


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