On 09/19/2013 09:33 AM, Patrick Dupre wrote:

I am using the article class.
Putting the bibliography in the appendix, it is also shown in the TOC.
I have done as recommanded:

The following code will remove the phrase "Appendix. " in front of 
"Bibliography" in the table of contents when using the LaTeX amsbook class or the LyX 
document class book (AMS).

   \indentlabel{\IfStrEq{#3}{Bibliography}{}{#1}\@ifnotempty{#2}{ #2.\quad}}#3}

But I get an error:
\tocappendix undefined, because I to not use the AMS package I guess.

Thus, what could be another option?

Try using \appendixname, which is what article.cls uses for this purpose, I think.


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