Le 10/10/13 01:03, Gwen Barnes a écrit :
Hi folks,

I am using LyX 2.0.6 on Mac 10.8.5.  Whenever I try to scroll, for
instance, with the mouse wheel, or with trackpad gestures, there is
almost a full second lag before the screen starts to change, and then it
moves jerkily until it gets to where it's going.  Based on some comments
I found online, I have found that the lag goes away if I make my LyX
window tiny -- but then the window is not useful to me.

Any ideas what the problem might be, and things I could try to fix it?

The problem is a weakness in LyX display mechanism: text is drawn several characters at a time, while metrics (measurement of size) is done character-per-character. On windows and linux, it is not a problem, but on a Mac, where fonts use ligatures, it means that the cursor does not appear where it should.

To alleviate that, by default mac builds draws the screen char-by-char too. It works, but it is quite slow...
You can see what the effect is by adding
\force_paint_single_char 0
in the preferences file.

Unfortunately, this situation will not improve in version 2.1.

There is a branch that tackles this problem, but it is not ready yet.


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