On 06/12/2013 8:42 AM, Maurits Lamers wrote:
Hi all,

I am trying to get the LilypondBook module to work under Mac OSX Mountain Lion 
(10.8), but it complains about not being able to find a package named 
I used the Tex Live Utility to find a package with that name, but haven't been 
able to find it, and anything else lilypond-related is already installed.

The Lyx log says:

14:28:45.466: (dialog-show document)Warning: Package not available
The module lilypond requires a package that is not
available in your LaTeX installation, or a converter that
you have not installed. LaTeX output may not be possible.
Missing prerequisites:
See section (Modules) of the User's Guide for more information.

It's missing the converter from the lilypond format to the latex format. This converter is a python script called lilypond-book (it might have a .py extension or not, depending on the OS) and it comes installed with lilypond.

I have tried to put lilypond-book and lilypond in the PATH, checked on 
permissions, but nothing seems to make a conversion to PDF available in the 
Edit menu.
Running TexLive 2013, Lyx 2.0.6, Lilypond 2.16.1.

First thought: Did you reconfigure LyX? (menu Tools > Reconfigure)


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