Are you trying to change the document class of (a copy of) the tutorial
file? If so, the messages you are getting are to be expected. Not every
document class supports every environment known to (some) other document
classes. For instance, I just opened an old slide show (Beamer document
class) and arbitrarily tried to convert it to Article (AMS). The slide show
has a paragraph that uses the "Institute" environment (to indicate the
speaker's affiliation). Beamer knows what that is; Article (AMS) does not.
Each frame (slide) begins with a "BeginFrame" environment, and Article (AMS)
has no idea what that is.

Clicking one of the messages should take you to the text that has LyX
confused. LyX will not delete anything from an unrecognized environment
(layout); it will just mark the environment as unrecognized (for instance,
"Institute (unknown)" in the environment drop-down. It's up to you to select
an alternative environment understood by the new document class.


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