Hi to everyone,

The subject explains the situation, I guess. To be more specific, I have
this dissertation class, which perfectly compiles with different editors
using the MikTeX 2.8 and 2.9 distributions. I was able to use the class
file in LyX preparing a very simple layout file containing the following

# \DeclareLaTeXClass[metu]{metu}
# Input general definitions
Input stdclass.inc

However, I can neither produce any output (pdf or dvi) from the LyX
document, nor export it back into plain LaTeX. When I try I get the
following error:

! LaTeX Error: Missing \begin{document}.

The format
publicly available, and the archive at the link includes 3 versions with
sample .tex files, all of which end up with the same result. The problem
seems to be with the class file, however since it works with the LaTeX
compiler I cannot figure out where exactly.

Any help would be appreciated, and since it is a public format may be
benefited by several users.

Thanks in advance,

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