I turned my jpgs into a multipage pdf using sam2p and pdfjoin.  As a test,
I tried inserting just 1 page of the pdf into lyx as external pdfpages.
It will display onscreen within lyx, but not in the finished pdf output from 

I did use pages=- option.

If I export as luatex, and run luatex, it shows no error.  But the pages that 
should show images are just blank.

If I run lualatex from command line on the exported .tex, I see
</home/nbecker/Downloads/pilotless/20131210_122111.pdf, id=95, 3276.24pt x 1842
.885pt> <use /home/nbecker/Downloads/pilotless/20131210_122111.pdf>
<use /home/nbecker/Downloads/pilotless/20131210_122111.pdf>
</home/nbecker/Downloads/pilotless/20131210_122111.pdf, id=98, page=1, 3276.24p
t x 1842.885pt>
<use /home/nbecker/Downloads/pilotless/20131210_122111.pdf, page 1>
<use /home/nbecker/Downloads/pilotless/20131210_122111.pdf, page 1>
<use /home/nbecker/Downloads/pilotless/20131210_122111.pdf, page 1>
<use /home/nbecker/Downloads/pilotless/20131210_122111.pdf, page 1>
<use /home/nbecker/Downloads/pilotless/20131210_122111.pdf, page 1> [4 </home/nb
ecker/Downloads/pilotless/20131210_122111.pdf>] (./Highlights.aux)

So it seems to be working.

I played with the size options, setting size to 100% text width (to scale down 
the images).

Any ideas?

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