Am Freitag 28 Februar 2014, 04:03:29 schrieb John Kane:
> I have been experimenting with TikZ and have been through the manual TikZ
> pour l'impatient, (Gérard Tisseau et Jacques Duma) 15 novembre 2013
> Everything was going well until I hit the second example on pg. 18.
> Everything is fine until I try to add a fraction , the \draw (22:1.5) node
> {$\dfrac{\pi}{4}$}; line and I don't see what is wrong.
> It looks like the problem is in the fraction expression because it works if
> I switch to \draw (22:1.5) node {$Z$};.
> The orignal works just fine in LaTeX. Am I missing something obvious or
> encountering a package conflix of some kind?
> The message say 1:14:53.301: LaTeX2e <2011/06/27> 21:14:53.304: Babel <3.9f>
> and hyphenation patterns for 78 languages loaded. 21:14:53.306:
> 21:14:54.653: Error while previewing format: pdf2 21:15:07.487:
> (dialog-toggle progress)

The document compiles fine here, after I have removed all those unnecessary 
modules (Rnw [knitr], Natbibapa and the unknown "shortinsets-name" module).


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