On 2014-04-18 19:07, Richard Heck wrote:
I don't know exactly under Debian, but you need somehow to install
apa.cls and apa6.cls. The file is presumably provided by texlive, but
which package? So I guess you could try:
    apt-file search apa.cls
and see if that gives you anything. If you don't have apt-file, then do:
    sudo apt-get install apt-file


Thanks, Richard, that was a good idea. I also needed apacite.sty which is provided by texlive-bibtex-extra. texlive-publishers provides apa.cls. The class is still not just working. I noticed some advice about "reconfiguring" LyX <http://bit.ly/1eRTiHf>, so I did that: dpkg-reconfigure <http://bit.ly/1tjZprB>. That did not appear to make a difference. LyX directed me to the User Guide which directed me to the Customization manual, but I need to take a break for tonight.

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