Hi Rainer,

On Mon, Jun 2, 2014 at 9:40 AM, Rainer M Krug <rai...@krugs.de> wrote:
> Hi
> There is recently a lot of cross-posting happening on lyx-devel and
> lyx-users which I think is a bit irritating and makes following
> discussions difficult (luckily, and this includes myself, most
> responders to cross-posted threads ignore that one should not cross-post
> and discussions are complete on both lists...).

I agree that this is annoying. I wonder if it is best in these cases
to continue cross-posting or if, e.g. the lyx-devel list is the
correct place to only state "I'm moving this to lyx-devel" as a reply
to lyx-users and then reply to the lyx-devel list only in a separate

> Nevertheless, I would like to know what the policy about cross-posting
> is. If cross-posting is OK, the merging of the two mailing lists should
> be considered, which might be a good idea in a relatively low traffic
> mailing list? The other option would be to discourage cross-posting,
> possibly even blocking mails to lyx-devel which are also posted to
> lyx-users?

Automatic blocking is an interesting idea. You got me thinking
though... what about automatic blocking of the email entirely? With an
automated response such as "cross-posting is discouraged for the
following reasons... please pick the appropriate list".

> I am not a list administrator and I don't want to start a big
> discussion, so if nobody else objects, the status quo can be kept,

Perhaps the first step is to put this in the list netiquette:


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