On 2014-10-03, Anders Host-Madsen wrote:
> It seems enumitem and IEEETran.cls are not compatible. I
> found the following solution on the web. Insert

> \let\labelindent\relax

> BEFORE enuitem is included. That works. The issue is
> that in LyX, the latex preamble comes after enumitem
> is called. Any way to include the above statement
> before enumitem is called?

A relatively easy hack would be to 

* copy the "enumitem.module" file from the LyX library (See Help>About
  LyX for the location at your machine) to the local LyX library (on Unix
  ~/.lyx/layouts/) and rename to, e.g., "ieetranenumitem.module".
* in this local file, change the first line like e.g.

-#\DeclareLyXModule[enumitem.sty]{Customisable Lists (enumitem)}
+#\DeclareLyXModule[enumitem.sty]{Customisable Lists (enumitem-ieeehack)}

* and the preamble code
+       \let\labelindent\relax 
        \usepackage{enumitem}           % customizable list environments
        \newlength{\lyxlabelwidth}      % auxiliary length 
Then use the new "enumitem-ieeehack" module.

(Remember, that the "labelindent" macro is now the one defined by enumitem
and maybe strange things happen with label indentation in the ieee class.)

(Also remember to update you local copy when a new version of the
upstream enumitem.module is issued.)


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