2014-10-14 9:17 GMT+02:00 Rainer M Krug:

> Uwe Ade writes:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I use Lyx with beamer to make my slides for lectures. Are there any
> > Option build in Lyx I can set to reduce the Size to the final-pdf?
> No - but this is one question which comes up again and again.
> There are several options what one can do, i.e. resize images manually,
> create a copier in LyX to resize the images automatically or resize the
> resulting pdf via an external program.
> But it all depends why your pdf is so large.

A while ago I set up a script (aimed at Linux) that reduces the PDF file

Of course, the prize is image quality. So you need to play a bit with it to
find a reasonable compromise.


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