On Tue, Jul 7, 2015 at 8:34 AM, Kurt McCullum <kurt.mccul...@att.net> wrote:
> The topic of being able to put a Model-T online comes up every now and then.
> I've been toying with the idea of adding a Telnet client to mComm. My
> thoughts were to add the ability to switch to Telnet mode in mComm. When a
> control key is pressed  the TELCOM screen will clear and then ask for a URL
> to connect to. Then, mComm would connect to the remote Telnet server and
> send all the data to the Model-T, doing the all important buffering so that
> the Model-T serial buffer isn't over run before it can send an XOFF.
> On the other end of the wire would need to be a Telnet server that is geared
> towards our little machines. To my knowledge, there are none. One would need
> to be setup. The end result would be a Telnet BBS system geared towards the
> 40x8 screen (or 40x16). Or a Linux system with the proper termcap.
> While this is certainly doable, would it be useful?
> Kurt

The 40x8 screen is a problem, but also the lack of mobility. People
want to be able to get online anywhere.

I did make a lot of progress on my Android SSH bridge a while back,
but haven't had time lately.

But don't let that stop you. I'm sure people will enjoy a new feature
in Telnet feature in mComm.

Consider doing the some ANSI escape filtering and UTF-8 to Model T
character set mapping in mComm. Even if you can pan/scan the with a 40
column screen it looks really bad unless you do some filtering. I do
it HTERM, for universality/high speed but your program is more
designed for use with TELCOM.

-- John.

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