It's nearly that date again -- February 29th.  This date occurs
approximately once in every four years.

The µPD1990AC is a 14-pin Integrated Circuit (IC) within the Model T laptop
which uses a 32.768 kHz quartz crystal to regulate the external Real Time
Clock interrupt rate (ordinarily once in every 3.90625 mSec), and its
various internal clock and calendar time-keeping chores.

Calendar time-keeping within the µPD1990AC has two shortcomings.  The first
shortcoming is that the year is expressed in 2-digit format (i.e., century
is ignored).  The second shortcoming is that February 29 never is expressed
(i.e., leap year is ignored).  Consequently, tomorrow at exactly 00:00:00
(Model T time) on February 29, 2016 your Model T calendar will ignorantly
leap forward by one day, and express the date as "Mar 1, 1916".

Fear not.  This small perturbation in the time-space continuum is
correctable after-the-fact.  At any time today, February 28, 2016, invoke
BASIC, type the following statement, and then press ENTER.

:?"This is Leap day "DATE$ELSENEXT

Wrapped 40-column on the Laptop screen, the statement looks like this.

his is Leap day "DATE$ELSENEXT

Keeper of the Primordial Bit (mother of all bits), -= Ron Wiesen =-

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