On Fri, Sep 22, 2017 at 1:33 PM, John R. Hogerhuis <jho...@pobox.com> wrote:

> Aside from the checksum issue is there some reason you're using DOS
> Desklink? Laddiealpha has far more features and works on modern pcs and is
> supported. Same for mcomm.
Ah.  Well, none, I guess - short of that was just what I was used to on
Linux.  I'm not in XP that often really, but had to set up a Windows
environment the other day for ham radio purposes - never could get JT-65 up
and running in Linux and Wine did NOT like my radio's data cable.  Thought
as long as I had the computer up and running I might as well try some TPDD
emulation. :-)

As to TEENY maybe avoid TEENY.EXE on modern hardware though and just inject
Is that an 'ok' approach?  I thought the documentation sort of warned
people off of doing that.  I'll give it a go, though.  I'll look into
Laddiealpha too; haven't used it before.

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