On Thu, Oct 5, 2017 at 2:39 PM, Stephen Adolph <twospru...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I, for one, would be interested to see the economics of ordering a batch.
> I personally don't think you can do it.  I have sourced parts carefully to
> keep costs low,  in order to enable a bit of profit for club 100 and myself,
> but in no way did it compensate for the time.

That's basically the issue. I timed my last assembly and it took 50
minutes to assemble, program, and test. Assuming I can pack and ship
it in 10 minutes (which I can't, but let's keep the math easy), my
rough breakdown estimate shows I'm paying myself ~$30 an hour for this
work. But I haven't factored in any customer support time or returns.

So far, the approach I'm pondering is to start with a small batch run,
say, 15-20 boards, but place a larger order for some of the cheaper
components to get their price down a bit in anticipation of a future
run. The CPLDs don't get any cheaper until qty 1k so no point in
stocking up on them. I would sell them as a pre-order to fund the
parts purchase. Then, assemble/test/ship/etc and see if I burn out. If
not, do it again in a month or so. If I do, meh - I've got a few
partial reels to pass on to the next sucker who wants to build a run


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