TPDD1 or TPDD2? The TPDD1 uses single density disks and TPPD2 I believe used double density disks (not 100% sure since I only have a TPPD1). But in the specs the TPPD1 reads/writes 40 tracks, and the TPDD2 reads/writes 80 tracks.

On 3/24/2018 8:02 PM, Chris Kmiec wrote:
I don't think that's the issue as the drive responds to commands, and I can see the head move. When trying to format a blank disk, it actually goes through the motions, and gets to the last track, before it fails.


On Sat, Mar 24, 2018 at 6:57 PM, Fugu ME100 < <>> wrote:

    I/O Error generally means the drive is not being seen on the
    serial port.  Does the serial port on the machine work?  Can you
    check it out make sure it is working? Link to a PC and use TELECOM
    to a terminal program or try the new mcomm out.

    Could be a bad TPDD cable I had problems with mine it was not
    making good contact into the drive, I had to have it just in the
    right position to work.  I stopped using it after that :)

    *From:* M100 <
    <>> on behalf of Chris
    Kmiec < <>>
    *Sent:* Saturday, March 24, 2018 23:46
    *To:* <>
    *Subject:* Re: [M100] Tandy Portable Disk Drive...
    Well, I have REX, with TS-DOS, and also tried the
    installation/bootup procedure from the manual. Didn't work either
    way - I/O Error. I looked over the board, and don't see anything
    obvious. Everything cleaned, etc.

    My "big score" with a DVI, TPDD, and M100 has had an issue with
    every single component... At least it came with a ton of cables,
    manuals, and disks!

    Unless somebody can suggest anything else I can try, I'm giving up
    on the TPDD for now, too many things I'm working on, including
    getting the drive in the DVI to work.


    On Thu, Mar 22, 2018 at 9:20 AM, Brian White <
    <>> wrote:

        The "M100SIG" archive contains a few programs just for dealing
        with the incompatibility of different dosses. There is at
        least one or two programs just for loading and unloading the
        dvi dos and a tpdd dos so you can switch between them without
        actually wiping and reinstalling each time.

            There is (on p. 7 of the TPDD2 Manual) a cryptic related
            reference that the utility disk can’t be used with a
            computer in conjunction with the DVI, so maybe these can’t
            all be used at once,

-- bkw

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