Wow, Ken, sorry to hear about your health issues but so glad your are
coming through them OK.  May you continue to heal quickly.

Yes, the boxes can wait..!  Take care of yourself.

Best wishes,

On Friday, October 5, 2018, Ken Pettit <> wrote:

> Hey Gang,
> I had reported a couple of weeks ago that I had maybe a dozen NADSBoxes
> that I would be able to sell fairly soon.  Just wanted to updated everyone
> that the effort has kinda been put on old for a bit because I was in the
> hospital the past week and a half.
> I went in last Monday because I felt I needed more stents, which I did.
> They ended up putting in 2 more stents ... I think I'm up to 20 now.
> Normally this would be a 2-3 day visit to the hospital and then back to
> work the following week.  But this time because of the amount of blockage
> in the main artery, they needed to put me on a breathing machine and sedate
> me fully (in an expeditious manner since they only discovered this during
> the proceedure).
> While placing the breathing tube, they lacerated the right side of my
> tongue REALLY BADLY, then I spent the next 7 days in the ICU.  I just got
> home on Wednesday evening and am still recovering with a swollen tongue and
> neck (secondary brusing from all the bleeding).
> I still plan to work on these over the next few weeks, but it will have to
> be at a slower rate than I was originally thinking.
> Ken

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