> Having recently changed the backup battery and several capacitors I find that 
> now the display "flickers"; i.e. it varies intensity while in operation 
> despite the adjustment of the VR remaining constant.  I don't have much 
> experience but I believe it was stable before commencing work.
> Just now I was working in the BASIC editor and after a few minutes noticed 
> the display occasionally making subtle variations in intensity.  As time went 
> on the variations became more frequent and the swings in intensity wider.
> Finally the display went blank, and now when I turn the unit on I cannot 
> adjust the VR to get any display at all.  This happens under alkaline power 
> or from the 6 VDC adapter.  Something is failing but I don't know what: The 
> variable resistor?  Capacitor?  Bad connection at the motherboard?
> Can someone suggest a likely place to start?
> Thanks,
> -CH-

Does the contrast adjustment work to adjust the intensity of all
pixels even when the display is "dead"? Is BASIC still functional when
the screen is dead? (The "cold-start, <Enter>, BEEP<enter>" test).

I've seen / heard of the contrast pot failing, and you can test that
in-situ pretty easily to make sure the adjustment is smooth.


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