Hi Brian,

You folks are quite helpful on this list.  Great community and thank you!


On Mon, May 20, 2019 at 3:00 PM Brian K. White <bw.al...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 5/20/19 11:48 AM, Ron Klein wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > Does anyone have the source to the 'teeny-linux' binary that is
> > included in the 'dlplus.zip' file?
> >
> > http://www.bitchin100.com/files/linux/dlplus.zip
> >
> > I was able to compile the 'dl' utility for Raspbian (Raspberry Pi),
> > but the 'teeny-linux' binary is for x86, not ARM.
> >
> > Thanks!
> >
> >
> If you look in that same zip file, you'll find loader.ba
> Really, that does all the work. The teeny installer just squirts
> loader.ba at the m100, and walks the user through answering the prompts
> that loader.ba puts up on the m100.
> Also, if you look in dl.c on in the zip, you'll see that there is code
> right in dl itself to send loader.ba.
> Search "loader" and you'll see the sendloader() function, and see that
> it's invoked by sending "XX" from the m100 to a running dl.
> I haven't tried to actually make that work yet but I found it while
> trying to devise essentially the same idea for SD2TPDD (arduino
> implementation written by Jeremy Pettit, then hacked up a little by me)
> All (maybe only most?) TPDD commands have a prefix of "ZZ". In dl.c it
> looks like it's also recognizing XX, to send loader.ba, and YY to enter
> terminal/login mode.
> It *looks* like what you would do is:
> * Place loader.ba in /path/to/share/dir
> * Run "dl /dev/ttyUSB0 -p=/path/to/share/dir"
> * On the m100 run something like the following in BASIC (similar to the
> TPDD1 bootstrap):
>    PRINT #1,"XX"
>    RUN "COM:98N1ENN"
> ... actually, I'm a dummy. Look in "dl.do", there are directions to use
> the loader function right in there:
> ---snip---
> Using the loader function
> -------------------------
> Executing the following command from BASIC will load and run "loader.ba"
> without needing a DOS loaded on the laptop.
> ---snip---
> So, you don't *really* need the stand-alone teeny injector.
> All the stuff that teenydoc.txt describes that teeny.exe did, none of it
> seems too critical.
> --
> bkw

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