On Thu, Jul 11, 2019 at 10:31 AM Stephen Adolph <twospru...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Board is done and heading to the fab.  VHDL is mostly done.
> I don't expect this board will be wildly popular but maybe it has some 
> interest  Double speed M100 seems interesting on it's own, let alone being 
> able to support Z80 CP/M applications.
> Any interest?

I'm somewhat interested. Not really sure what the use case it but a
"hot rod" M100 is too interesting to ignore. :)

> I have purchased material to make 5 of these.
> A few more comments.
> - to install this board you need to remove the 80C85.  that's some effort to 
> do
> - to run at 5MHz you need to upgrade the 81C55 to a 5MHz version.  That's 
> also some effort.

I have the tools to easily mod M100 boards and I'm willing to mod
boards for others. I can even install a socket, though you won't be
able to close the case anymore I suspect.


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