For writing, T-Word is what I have found to be the most useful. It can be found 


On Mon, Apr 27, 2020, at 6:19 PM, David N. Hughes-Robinson wrote:
> Hello!!
> I have recently learned of the model t and have fallen head-over-heals. As a 
> full-time python developer, I have enjoyed playing with BASIC and look 
> forward to conquering low level programming in 8085 assembly. I live in a 
> tiny apartment, so the model t is the only retro-computer I can justify 
> space-wise, otherwise I would already filled several desks with old computers 
> and disk drives.
> Currently I am getting my model t fix by playing with VirtualT but would love 
> to get my hands on real hardware. What is the preferred place to get a 
> working Tandy 102 with 32k of ram? I’ve been looking on eBay and have found a 
> few listings, but many of them are untested or have known flaws. Are there 
> any repairs that are easier to perform And therefore worth purchasing with a 
> repair in mind? I’ve also seen many more model 100s, but the article listing 
> the differences between models on suggests it is better to 
> acquire a 102 than a 100.
> I’ve ordered a physical copy of David Leon’s “The TRS-80 Mode 100 Portable 
> Computer,” which I look forward to reading and have downloaded tons of books 
> off That said, I am open to and ready for more reading 
> suggestions about the model t and programming for these old micros.
> Finally, I would love any tips for writing prose on the model t. Are there 
> any particular workflows or BASIC programs you find essential?
> Thank you so much in advance. Looking forward to loads of fun with this list 
> and the model t.
> Best,
> oaguy1

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