Hi Jim

Fear not, we can increase the size of the Directory making full use of 4MB. This will require BIOS changes & an OS update. That means... at present you'll have to re-import all your user files. Can you reply please with what D.COM states for directory status/usage, I don't need each file size.

NADSBox error: Interesting, I had similar trouble when using my NADSBox when developing. Plus I had a similar error with cheap USB-Serial converter as stated in the wiki. This took about a month to overcome... With NADSBox I had 'checksum error' at various stages when loading large files (>32KB). I presumed my NADSBox was faulty. Is your error consistently at the 64KB size?

Returning to User 0 after execution: This doesn't seem right to me, I'll look into this

Steve: Drive B: proposal. Initially I'm reluctant as it chews up part of our 64KB RAM with an extra Drive tables - there's quite a bit of overhead for that. However it maybe the way to go, I'll have a good think on that. But... a souped-up IMPORT with wildcards/sub directory ability would solve this issue I believe.


On 29/10/2020 10:44 pm, Jim Anderson wrote:
So I recently wanted to try printing from WordStar 3.3 and discovered that 
worked quite nicely.  I also discovered that WordStar 4.0 has support for the 
early HP LaserJets (and, therefore, possibly my HP 4000N may understand it), 
and also the spell check may be better integrated and/or at least configurable 
for VT100 unlike the version of SPELSTAR that is on classiccmp.org (and 
reliably check spelling, although I have figured that problem out - more 
below).  Naturally I went on to try putting WordStar 4.0 in USER 4 on my REXCPM 
since I still had more than half the disk space available :)

I ran into a few issues which I thought I'd mention here for the benefit of 
others, and resolved some of them (but not others).

First, a hardware thing: in order to run RXCUTL.BA (the utility for backing up 
and restoring the REX and CP/M parts of the REXCPM memory), you need to unload 
the REX hook (Ctrl-X from the M100 menu screen) and then power-cycle the M100 
to reset the REX module's state.  Well, I was trying to run a backup tonight 
and kept getting the error (I forget the exact message) you get if you forget 
the power-cycle step (which I had definitely not forgotten - multiple times).  
Turns out, while I've got my DMP-105 hooked up to the parallel port and powered 
on, when I turn the M100 off there's power being fed back into the M100 from 
the printer through the parallel port and this keeps the REX from resetting.  I 
only figured this out because it *also* causes the 'low battery' LED on the 
M100 to illuminate when the power is switched off.  Weird, and probably nothing 
can be done about this - I haven't even checked with another parallel printer 
to see if this is unique to the DMP-105 or not.  I just thought I'd mention it 
in case anybody else runs into such a thing.

So, WordStar 4.0 - I discovered in the process of copying this over that 
IMPORT.COM was only copying the first 64kb of any large files over 64kb in 
size.  Further testing shows that this only happens when using IMPORT.COM with 
my NADSbox - if I use mComm on my phone it imports the full file (the largest 
was 163kb).  I don't know if this is a limitation of the NADSbox or just some 
weird interaction between it and IMPORT.COM - of course, there isn't really any 
other way to test pulling a large file over 64kb from the NADSbox that I'm 
aware of...

This got me worried about backup integrity because I'd been making backups 
using RXCUTL.BA to my NADSbox and those files are enormous (545kb for the REX 
backup and 3457kb for the CP/M backup).  What if it doesn't write good data for 
large files?  I know I did a full backup and restore as a test in the first few 
days after I got my REXCPM but I don't remember if that restore was done using 
mComm, LaddieAlpha, or the NADSbox.  I tested tonight making backups to mComm 
and to the NADSbox (this is why I was whining about the speed again earlier 
tonight :) ) and diffed the resulting files - they are identical.  Whew, my 
backups are good.  I'll test later what happens if I restore one of these 
backups from the NADSbox and try to remember to post my results - it will be 
interesting to see if it only supplies the first 64kb or if it goes the 

Last point - what led me to this whole backup/restore thing is that while I was 
copying over WordStar 4.0 into a new user area I've run into a CP/M limit and 
put too many files into A: for the directory structure to handle.  Sorry, I 
should have counted them to see how many there were, but I'm sure it's a 
documented figure.  It may be that 4mb is overkill for REXCPM unless you're 
planning to store mostly very large files (or unless there's a fix for the 
directory structure limits?), like maybe using WordStar to write a big novel or 
something, or writing very large programs.  I forgot to count the number of 
files I had in all user areas at the time (I've since made a backup and deleted 
a bunch of cruft) but I did note that there was still 1430kb free.

Okay, the above statements about large files etc. may not be so valid - doing a 
little late-night googling right now, I'm finding some info which indicates 
that the file system allocates a directory entry for every 16kb of a file (as a 
workaround for the fact that each directory entry can only keep track of 16 1kb 
blocks)... this means that even if you load it up with large files you're going 
to run out of directory space as a 160kb file would consume ten directory 
entries.  It also seems that the directory can be different sizes on different 
systems and disk formats... so:

I guess this is a question for Philip Avery - how big is the directory 
structure in the 2mb and 4mb REXCPM images?  Can it be made bigger in the 4mb 
image?  If so, is this something one could do oneself (not being an expert on 
filesystems, but being adventurous and willing to play with a hex editor), or 
best left to the professionals?  :)


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