Yeah, I recall the keyboard scan loop causing me some headaches when I wrote it (that was like 2004 I believe). The Model T has a key-repeat timing that is based on the timing of the background "tick". Trying to get this correct with different "emulated time" where the emulation speed was like 130MHz (at the time) took some effort. When I first implemented a simple "key is pressed" / "key is not pressed" routine, I would get like 27 characters for each key I pressed.

Perhaps that keyscan logic needs some review. I created some 2021 goals for myself ... I think I will add releasing VirtualT 1.8 to that list.


On 1/3/21 4:22 PM, Jim Anderson wrote:
-----Original Message-----
At the Club100 site, I found Star Blaze 100, apparently the only game
Tandy every sold for the Model 100.
Now, the odd thing is, I find the game play to be virtually impossible.
Not sure if that's the way it runs on real hardware or not.
I love this game on a real M100, but have never tried it in VirtualT.  I just 
gave it a shot and the keyboard response for the controls (and, in fact, for 
the F-keys to start each level) is extremely sluggish and delayed.  On a real 
M100, the F-key response is slightly slow (sometimes I find I need to hold the 
key for half a second) but the response for the ship control keys is always 
excellent.  In VirtualT, the ship controls need to be held before the ship 
starts moving, and then it continues moving for a time after the release of 
each key.  Also, up/down are confusing (reversed) on my PC keyboard because 
Ctrl is below Shift, not above.  Quite difficult to play.  :)


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