lol. I tried attaching an image recently but the mail server blocked it.

On Fri, May 7, 2021, 4:29 AM Tom Wilson <> wrote:

> Just a tip... if you're going to post large images (actually, that's very
> helpful in some cases), use a service like Imgur.
> Go to and
>    1. click "new post"
>    2. upload the image
>    3. You'll get a page with the uploaded picture, some tools on the
>    right, and so on...
>    4. copy the URL and paste it into a message.
> Then you can make images as big as you want, without people complaining
> about the file size - or John's hard drive filling up with huge images. :)
> Tom Wilson
> (619)940-6311
> On Thu, May 6, 2021 at 11:39 PM John R. Hogerhuis <>
> wrote:
>> Hello Jerry,
>> Since you asked...
>> Vintage laptop computing with the Model T and similar laptops is the
>> focus. Discussions veer off it's usually ok. But just keep in mind people
>> get turned off if it gets too off topic and noisy for too long.
>> No swearing, no overtly political or religious or anti-religion stuff,
>> excessive or persistent negativity towards other list members,
>> pot-stirring, flame wars, long metadiscussions about the rules (they happen
>> but keep them short), off-topic threads that go to long, overposting of
>> ebay links. The occasional link of a rare item is fine but we all know what
>> ebay is and where to find it.
>> That kind of thing
>> Image attachments are OK, but we limit the size for rural folks on lower
>> bandwidth connections.
>> If it fits under the limit, it's fine, but links always work.
>> For all, if I warn you about etiquette please just take it as that as a
>> warning there is not nor will there every be a complete list of rules
>> anywhere... we play it by ear. But following a warning if the problem
>> persists, next is me setting the moderation bit. I don't like to do it,
>> it's more work for me, but when things get ugly on the list I see the
>> "Unsubscribes" start coming and that's not good. So I try to shut it down
>> quickly.
>> I've only ever banned anyone once in... I came to the list in like 2004?
>> And I've been moderating for 10 years or so? Something like that. Holy moly.
>> The bottom line is trying to keep a pleasant, on-topic haven for you and
>> your fellow hobbyists. No flame wars, just friends supporting each other
>> and enjoying each other's company.
>> Often, we succeed.
>> -= Model Ts Forever =-
>> -- John.

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