

The schematic looks just like the M100, down to the part names. The capacitors 
leak just like the M100 whereas the T102 caps are not a problem. 


The RS-232 drive section is like the M100, not the improved T102 version. The 
option ROM socket is a ‘normal’ socket and the SysBus connection is a normal 
header. Seems very much like a repackaged M100. Even the M100 test harness 
works on it. 

This is only the second one I have seen in the flesh though 😊

When I get it recapped I’ll burn a ROM for it and then try to bootstrap TS-DOS 
from the Backpack and see how that goes.




From: M100 <> On Behalf Of Stephen Adolph
Sent: Monday, July 26, 2021 1:15 PM
Subject: Re: [M100] TS-DOS for Olivetti M-10


Cool Jeff,

I would value your feedback. I have noticed a couple of things to fix on the 
keyboard mapping.  Please share any things you find that are broken.

Also, I know you have a keenly tuned hardware eye. I think that it is just the 
keyboard that is different.  Do you see any other items?




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