Doesn't Steve's program handle the display part? Hooking the RS-232 receive
into the keyboard vector should also not be too difficult but as you say,
what's the point?

I don't recall whether the M100 has it (ISTR that it does) but some systems
have a built-in function, usually CTL-P that echoes everything on the
display to the printer (not just one screen like PRINT), which could in
turn be redirected to the com port and fed to a terminal program


On Thu, Oct 6, 2022 at 3:05 PM John R. Hogerhuis <> wrote:

> On Thu, Oct 6, 2022 at 11:47 AM Brian K. White <> wrote:
>> 2. Can I run M100 stuff from my remote?
>> What?
> I guess he means display what the M100 displays on the host and route
> characters sent from the host to the keyboard buffer of the M100.
> It could be done... it would require a program on the M100 side.
> Not sure of its utility though.
> Another idea would be using a host PC as a large display for the M100.
> So, say you have the M100 configured for 80x24, and a 80x24 xterminal or
> putty window on the PC displaying its output. Bytes and display codes
> routed out the serial port, with character set and control code mapping.
> Kind of like a simple DVI or VGA adapter.
> At a high baud rate, I'd guess it would be more performant than the native
> display.
> -- John.

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