On 10/1/2022 2:58 PM, Brad Grier wrote:
ArcadeShopper seems to have both in stock (and he's a member here).

On Sat, Oct 1, 2022 at 2:19 PM Will Senn <will.s...@gmail.com> wrote:

    Cool. I saw a cap kit, I'll be on the lookout for a nicd replacement.

    On 10/1/22 12:44 PM, Joshua O'Keefe wrote:
    On Oct 1, 2022, at 10:20 AM, Will Senn <will.s...@gmail.com>
    <mailto:will.s...@gmail.com> wrote:

     Given that my new m100 is 39 years old, should I expect that
    parts need replacing inside?

    The generally accepted wisdom seems to be that when doing intake
    of a "new" 100 to replace the NiCd and all capacitors ASAP.  They
    risks to the life of the machine.  A 102 may not need capacitors
    replaced quite so urgently, but that NiCd still has gotta go pronto.

Brad Grier

I just wanted to say thanks for the tip. I have a Model 100 being delivered from EBay today, and I already ordered a battery and a caps kit.

Tommy Phillips


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