On Thu, Oct 27, 2022 at 1:10 PM MikeS <dm...@torfree.net> wrote:

> More good tips, thanks. Yes, I have to look at defining the various types,
> especially the ones that can go above 32768.
> Concatenation with '+' is a habit from other languages I've worked with;
> as a matter of fact in most cases the M100 lets you print without any
> separators at all, e.g. print A$" to "B$ or a"plus"b
> Interesting discussion (at least for some of us ;-) )

One overall thing in outputting numbers in any radix, is that it is
*usually* most tractable in reverse of how you output since we generally
write/read numbers with the most significant digit first. So for generating
a number to output, It is most efficient to extract the least significant
digit, shift or otherwise divide by the radix, prepend the extracted number
onto a string/buffer, and when the value gets to zero, you're done, output
the string.

So for the number 1235 in decimal,

1235 MOD 10 = 5. Prepend ASC('0') + 5 on buffer. Divide remaining value by
123 MOD 10 = 3. Prepend  ASC('0') + 3 on buffer.  Divide remaining value by
12 MOD 10 = 2.  Prepend  ASC('0') + 2 on buffer.  Divide remaining value by
1 MOD 10 = 1. Prepend  ASC('0') + 1 on buffer. Divide remaining value by 10
Remaining value is 0, so we're done. Buffer contains the number

In your subroutine at 5 it is doing it MSB to LSB, I think. Overall your
way may still be faster in BASIC even with the larger divisors.

With hex it's a question though since MOD 16 can be done with AND 15 which
is probably faster than a general integer 16 modulus. There's no bitshift
operator so you still need a integer divide by 16%. Who knows how efficient
an integer divide by 16 is in the interpreter versus 4096 (integer)

-- John.


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