As you may remember, years ago I designed an adapter that let you put both
the system image and an option ROM image into a single chip that replaced
the System ROM, both the standard (new) or non-standard (old) version; some
folks on here may even still have one in their M100, probably loaded with

In another M100 I replaced the option ROM with RAM and load/save/copy etc.
various ROM images using the EME extRAM tools, but of course I can't have
TS-DOS in the same memory area as the option ROMs.

The Dial-a-ROM and REX are certainly excellent solutions, but I'd still
like to make the Option RAM concept compatible with TS-DOS, even if I have
to add or reuse a physical switch to select between RAM and ROM. Any other


On Sat, Feb 25, 2023 at 11:26 PM John R. Hogerhuis <> wrote:

> On Sat, Feb 25, 2023, 8:18 PM Mike Stein <> wrote:
>> Yeah, I guess everybody has TS-DOS in ROM one way or another these days;
>> I've thought about putting it in the system ROM instead of the Scheduler
>> and Address Book, but removing them doesn't really free up much space;
>> maybe Teeny would fit...
> Scheduler and address book are a very simple "grep" type utility serving
> as a simple database. I feel they are too clever and minimalist a solution
> to remove :-) plus there are programs that let you use this search facility
> on any text file.
> -- John.

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