On Mon, Feb 27, 2023 at 7:51 AM grima...@gmail.com grima...@gmail.com
<http://mailto:grima...@gmail.com> wrote:

Currently I’m using VS Code and Virtual T in tandem to develop. It would be
> great if there were a modern tokenizer and packer written in Python or
> similar.

Last year I wrote a tokenizer in C. ¹


It can handle WIDTH and DSKO$ and it’s easy to add new tokens if some other
variant of BASIC appears.

While it will work fine for your project, I consider it incomplete as it
does not generate N82 BASIC tokens, yet.

I’m curious about people’s experiences using GitHub Actions. I haven’t used
them as I worried it would tie my projects too closely to one company. Now
that Nektos' act <https://github.com/nektos/act> exists, I'm reconsidering.


¹ Technically, I wrote it in flex which made tokenization trivial. Flex
outputs C code, so the program runs anywhere without requiring flex as a
dependency. I haven’t tried it, but there is a tool called Flex.js which is
supposed to output JavaScript, if you’re into that kind of thing.

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