Can I ask for clarification please on how the m2e .classpath resolution
algorithm works?

My current understanding from tinkering is that the m2e .classpath
resolution algorithm checks to see if the dependency is a project open in
Eclipse and if so uses that as a dependency instead of the cached version
in ~/.m2/repository.

But what happens if the version in Eclipse is not the same version as the
dependency in your pom?

For example, our project depends upon A version 21.07.

If project A is open in eclipse and it is using a later version, say
21.08-SNAPSHOT, then the m2e plugin is setting our project dependencies to
use the project open in Eclipse, even though the versions do not match.

When we close project A, m2e correctly updates the project's dependencies
to use the correct version in ~/.m2/repository

We are using m2e v1.16.20200710-1008.

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