Happy New Year to All of you!
I pass along this post from artist Sheree Rensel's blog.

Art Blog: HELP From My Friends?

"Oh, I get by with a little help from my friends,
Mmm I get high with a little help from my friends,
Oh, I'm gonna try with a little help from my friends
With A Little Help From My Friends
-The Beatles

OK. Where do I start? I got this idea. I wanted to have a series of 
online art shows during 2010. I created the "Git Outta My Face" 
website. I put up a prospectus. It pretty much went unnoticed. I was 
bummed out but I am not a quitter. I am trying it again. I am 
promoting it in a different way. The new deadline is January 15, 2010. 
It costs nothing to submit your work.

PLEASE participate or help me find artists who are interested!

My motivation is simple. I want to have five online shows with 
different themes during the coming year. I think it would be fun. It 
offers artists another place to show their work. Since each artist 
will have their own exhibition page with their information, it will 
offer a way for viewers to be redirected to the artist's websites. 
Also, the shows will allow artists to meet new, unfamiliar artists.

Now here comes the "help from my friends" part. I need help promoting 
the first show "GO AWAY!" I am trying to do something for artists, but 
I can't do it alone. This is why I am asking for help from you, my 
friends. If you have a blog, use Twitter, Facebook, or any other 
online forums, I would appreciate it if you would mention the show and 
encourage artists to participate. I would really appreciate any and 
all help from any of you. I am trying to do something positive and fun 
for artists. I think this is a win/win situation.

Go to Git Outta My Face website and get the prospectus! If you have 
ANY questions, email me at wizzlew...@aol. com
or go to:
http://www.gitoutta myface.com/
www.shereerensel. blogspot. com

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