Hi Ester and Travis,

On Mi, Apr 10, 2013 at 11:56:38 -1000, Esther wrote:
>Travis has already replied to you about searching the archives for 
>posts on using terminal.  I'll give you a direct link to one of his 
>archived posts that gives a pretty complete explanation of how to 
>configure terminal, since it dates from before this list started using 
>the Mail-Archive web site with its easier search interface.  

Thanks Ester and Travis for your hints and tips that brought me into the 
right direction. I'll play around with the different terminal settings 
but a quick check yesterday evening wasn't really successfull and not 
really satisfactory for me needs :-(.

Most time I'm working with a linux system and a screenreader 
called sbl. In this environment cursortracking and speech output is much 
better then I was able to get with my first tests with the Mac terminal. 
But I'll try on and see whats possible, because having a good graphical 
and a nice textbased environment on the same system and use the 
best things of both worlds at the same time and in one environment would 
be really great and this is not possible with linux at present, I 

Cheers and "servus" from Munich :-),

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