
Try a two fingered single tap! Hope it works view

Carol P
Sent from my iPhone using MBraille

On 10 Oct 2013, at 11:28 pm, Christopher Gilland <> 

Hello guys.

I have a question that is really starting to puzzle me a bit.  I am using an 
IPad 4th Gen with a wireless bluetooth keyboard.  I am noticing that even 
though I certainly can two finger single tap on the screen to silence 
Voiceover's speech, I'm finding that pressing the control key on my bluetooth 
keyboard isn't working.  I was curious first of all if that is just me, or if 
others are also having this same problem.  Second of all, if I'm not just 
having a strange issue, and it really indeed doesn't work that way, is there a 
way then that I can silence speech from my keyboard?  Sometimes I have my IPad 
a good 3 and a half to 4 feet away from my keyboard, so reaching over to the 
thing just to hush it up is sometimes more difficult to do than comfort's sake.

Aside from that though, I'm in heaven with this thing!


Chris Gilland
Founder and Manager of CLG Productions
Twitter:  @clgp123

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