Hello Christian,

Another option you might want to explore is the “VO Cursor screenshot.”  In OS 
10.9 it is possible to create a screenshot of whatever currently resides within 
the VO Cursor. Here are two ways I know of to achieve this:
1. Press VO+HH to open the VO Commands Help menu, then select the Visuals menu, 
then select the item labeled "Save Contents of VoiceOver Cursor to Desktop as 
Image File.”  VO should announce something like, “screenshot saved,” and a new 
file should appear on your desktop with the name 
“VoiceOverCursorScreenshot-X.png. Note that you can use the Commanders section 
of the VO Utility to create a quicker way to activate this command.
2. Use the pre-existing applescript named, “”VoiceOver screenshot to mail.” I 
believe there is already a hotkey setup for this in the Keyboard Commander 
settings in OS 10.9.


On Mar 2, 2014, at 11:18 AM, Christian Schoepplein <ch...@schoeppi.net> wrote:
> I’d sometimes like to make screenshots on my Mac to include them in blog 
> posts, for example if I describe how to perform some usefull things with Mac 
> OS. I know of cmd + shift + 3 to make a screenshot that will be stored on the 
> desktop, but are there any other usefull possibilities to create screenshots 
> as a blind person with VoiceOver? Is it possible somehow to select the size 
> and the part of the screen to include in the screenshot for example? For 
> sighted people cmd + shift + 4 can be used, but that for me does not work 
> with VoiceOver, but maybe I do something wrong…

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