OK, so am having a sort of weird problem.

A long time ago, I installed my copy of ProTools 10.0.  Now, you probably 
wonder what on earth that has to do with my subject line.  Actually, 
everything.  Hear me out on this.  This e-mail is not ProTools related at all.  
The point being, I had to download 10.0 from the Avid web site.  They didn’t 
ship me a physical DVD.  For this reason, and by the way, the reason they 
didn’t is because I crossfraded from 9.0 M-Power to 10.0 standard.  NOrmally, 
I’d a gotten a DVD, but because of the crossgrade, I didn’t.  That’s neither 
here nor there though.  Point is, when I donwloaded it, it came as a dmg file, 
which is basically the exact disk image of the 10.0 DVD.  So, I downloaded it, 
and obviously archived it with all my other software which I have located in a 
folder underneath my home directory.  So now, when I open Disk Utility, then I 
interact with the table of discs/volumes, I notice that 10.0.dmg is still 
listed in the table.  It’s not mounted, so it’s not like I can command+E on it 
to eject it.  I tried bringing up a context menu with vo+shift+M, but that 
didn’t work.  In my edit menu up in the menu bar, delete is unavailable.  When 
I went under the file menu to reveal in Finder, that is how I figured out it 
was that DVD image.  I suspect, though not totally sure, that the reason it 
probably is over there is because I’ve opened it in the past.  Anyway, I don’t 
under any circumstances want to delete the file.  I need that dmg on my drive, 
case closed.  That isn’t open for debate.  It’s absolutely paramount! that I 
keep that file.  This said, I don’t want it hanging out in my Disk Utility.  
So, how the heck do I hide this darn thing?  I just looked on my sidebar in the 
Finder, and it’s not even pinned to my sidebar either.  The only place I’m 
seeing it is in Disk Utility.  It’s the weirdest thing I’ve seen.  I mean, ok.  
I get Apple’s logic of why they did this, more or less, for quick and easy 
remounting access, but the fact I can’t get rid of it?  I’m sure a sighted 
person could probably just drag it out of the window, but then, where would 
they drop it?I know how to drag and drop, that’s no problem in most cases, but 
again, where do I drag the thing?

Anyway, thanks for any and all help.

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