Hi Gordon and all
I am trying Mars Edit and it is brilliant. It recognized my Wordpress account right away once I entered in the required information. I was able to post both a blog and a page, make edits to it and so on. I plan to buy it probably from the App Store soon rather than the developers themselves. So if you're going down this route I say way to go for you.

Regards Chris

Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof!

On 05/04/2014 12:25, Gordon Smith wrote:
Hi all

Recently, the subject of website development was discussed on Mac Access.  This 
kind of set me thinking and I wondered whether anybody had got any joy out of 
using Sandvox?  This is, I believe, apple’s recommended application now, since 
their own iWeb is no longer available.  Many people talk about using Wordpress, 
and this is something I’m going to investigate while I’m on Easter holidays.  
Although not in the same way as some others, I plan to install it on a local 
server to see how it works.  Once done, I’m planning to install MAMP Pro in 
order to maintain several Wordpress sites on the same server.

Another application which may or may not have been mentioned as part of the 
discussion is MarsEdit.  This application which is available from a small developer 
called Red Sweater, <http://www.red-sweater.com/marsedit/> is very definitely 
worth a look and, if you’re able, supporting.  The guy who develops the software is 
very proactive and always keen to assist where he can.

Any thoughts anybody?

Kindest regards

<--- Gordon Smith --->


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