Hello Sean — I regularly experience the first 3 issues in your list. Here are a 
handfull of other FB App issues I experience with some regularity. This is on 
an iPhone 5S, IOS 7.1.2, FB App version 14. 
1. In general, when attempting to open a post by performing a one finger 
double-tap, or when attempting to “interact” with a post by performing a two 
finger double-tap, the behavior is just absurdly unpredictable. Sometimes 
things work exactly as expected, but often the results leave me scratching my 
head. I regularly encounter obstacles such as the "Ufi overlay tag” message, 
the “unfollow this person” message, the “item selected” message or sometimes 
just complete silence.
2. Double-tapping a “Like” button prduces unpredictable results. Sometimes it 
works as expected to show that I like a post, other times it jumps to a 
different location in the thread, and occasionally it even activates a 
different link or button somewhere else on the screen.
3. If I am reading through my newsfeed and perform a one-finger double-tap to 
open a particular post so that I might read comments or follow an embedded URL 
or whatever, I am often stonewalled by VO saying “item selected” but the post 
not actually opening. The only way I’ve found past this is to triple-click-home 
to turn VO off, perform a single one finger tap in the approximate screen 
location where I think the desired post resides, and then turn VO back on.  Of 
course, this means I sometimes activate something I did not want to.
4. If I enter a post because I want to read some external content the poster 
has included, such as a link to an external site or a link to the body of a 
shared article, there is no way to move item-by-item within the post in order 
to focus on the URL. The only option is to double-tap the body of the post and 
hope it activates the desired object, which often does not happen.
5. When attempting to post a photo, the FB interface to the camera roll is 
still not very VO-friendly.

If you haven’t already done so, I’d recommend submitting feedback to FB via the 
following form:


On Sep 1, 2014, at 4:45 AM, Sean Murphy <smur7...@bigpond.net.au> wrote:
> 1. When in news feed. It tells you to perform a 2 finger double tap. This 
> opens a dialog that asks you to stop following. I want to open the news feed 
> and review the comments. Cannot do this.
> 2. When I open some notifications, speech stops if there is a photo. If I go 
> to the home screen and back into the Facebook app. It works.
> 3. When looking through notifications and news feeds. If you use the left and 
> right swipe to move between elements. It sometimes dings and doesn’t move. 
> Other times it refreshes and throwing me off the current item I am trying to 
> use.

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