I have the exact same settings as you but when I open a new window this always automatically closes the last window I was in. So the cycle through windows command has no use. Also if I pull up the window chooser I have only the current window and go to desktop as options no matter how many windows I have opened.

On 28/09/2014 16:41, Bryan Jones wrote:
Hello Ian & David,

I’m not sure if I’m understanding you correctly, so please excuse if this reply 
is off target.

In OS 10.9.5 I have no problems opening a bunch of Finder windows (COmmand+N) and 
cycling through them by pressing the standard Command+` key combo. On the  US 
Keyboard layout of my MBA, the “`" key is the leftmost key in the number row. 
On my Apple wireless ISO Spanish keyboard, this key is located immediately to the 
left of the “Z” key. I’m not sure where it is found on a UK layout.

Also, I do not hide the Sidebar, and in my Finder Preferences, the item “Open 
folders in tabs instead of windows,” found under the General heading, is 


On Sep 28, 2014, at 10:15 AM, David Griffith <daj.griff...@gmail.com> wrote:
It was suggested to me that I turn off the tabbed open in tabs feature of 
Finder and also hide the sidebar. I have done both but it has failed to do 
anything so if I am working across multiple windows it is , as you  say highly 
inefficient   as you have to tediously keep on locating and reopening these 

On 28 Sep 2014, at 10:52, Ian Harrison <harrisonc...@harrisonclan.karoo.co.uk> 
under mavericks I can't seem to find a way to have windows open in a new window 
without closing all others.

I prefer to work with lots of windows open and used to do so in mountain lion, 
but there doesn't seem to be a preference for this in mavericks.
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