You know, this is one thing (not just on this list, but everywhere) where folks get ribbed because they upgrade, then have issues. Yet, if anyone mentions that they're not running the latest release (such as I've done on a number of occasions) because of issues with that release, you get ribbed, because you're not upgrading and taking the issues, because they can and will be worked around. Honestly, I find it a bit irritating. I have learned to ignore it, mostly because I don't care about tech support, rarely call for it, and have no issue fixing my own hardware (most of the time), so for me, having 10 or even 20 year old equipment doesn't bother me in the least, but when I mention to someone that I have a computer running windows xp pro, that is 10 years old, or that I have an iphone 3gs, or 4s, or that I'm running osx 10.5 or 10.6, the response is nearly always, "You need to upgrade" That's all well and good if someone can afford to do so, and/ or if they want to do so, but some folks are perfectly happy with what they have, and don't want or need the latest and greatest, and perhaps have other equipment in addition to what's being discussed, yet, it seems to be antisocial, or anti technology, if someone doesn't want to upgrade for whatever reason. Could we please stop casting aspersions on the versions of hardware/software folks are using, and just offer help where possible, and keep quiet otherwise? Honestly, I don't care if someone is running 10.4 tiger, or 10.9 mavericks, if they have a problem, and I know how to fix it, then I'm always willing to assist, and the version of their hardware/software should have no bearing on that issue. Sure, sometimes, problems are fixed in later releases, and there's nothing wrong with pointing that out, but it really needs to be done in a friendly optional manner, not in a rude direct confrontation method, as I've seen all too often here and elsewhere. I'm not a moderator, and I have nothing to do with the running of any portion of the mac-access sites or anything else relating to the list or equipment running it, I'm simply a list user who has withdrawn, and participated less and less as time goes on, because frankly, the level of snobbery on this list has truly astounded me. I realize this isn't really a matter for me to raise directly on list, but sorry folks, it's just finally gotten on my nerves one too many times. Responses like the below do nothing to help, and often cause antagonism, which really isn't necessary. Can we please keep things civil, and stop with the sniping at folks who aren't running the versions others have? Please?

On Sep 28, 2014, at 4:10 PM, Georgina Joyce wrote:

Hello Martin,

You didn’t have to upgrade. Your choice. Why not wait for a few weeks and see how the people who have non-production devices test the new releases.


On 28 Sep 2014, at 18:32, Martin G. McCormick < > wrote:

        I got my iPad Back. Am I sorry about all those nasty
things I said about Apple?
        Not in the least because this is big business at it's
        Okay. Enough whining and griping from me. Here is the
fix. It was aimed at iPhone users, but it does work on the iPad
just fine.
        As in most software bugs, things aren't what they appear
to be. The Caps-lock works correctly but the reporting of it's
status is what is broken. I will condense what little I have
learned so far.
From:    Sarah k Alawami <>
        She reported that turning quicknav on helps. You do that
by pressing the Left-arrow and Right-arrow keys simultaneously.
The system reports that quicknav is on. This gives you your
arrows back but I would call this "teaser mode" because you
can't yet click on/select any of the fields that are
tantalizingly now reported as you arrow back and forth.
        Also, another bug in IOS8 is that voiceover crashes when
one is using the arrow keys plus probably a few other things.
The system goes silent briefly and you here "Voiceover on" and
find that you are now back at the start of the list of available
links to arrow through. This is annoying but if you arrow
through things a little more slowly, it seems to crash less
often. Time to go down another rabbit hole.
        One of the google searches I did turned up the following
set of instructions on applevis. Follow these carefully. The
following words are not mine but lifted from the email being

 If your Bluetooth keyboard doesn't work with VoiceOver except just a
few functions in iOS 8.0, try the following steps to resolve the issue. Once the problem disappears, it doesn't appear again unless you change
 the iPhone language in Settings, General, Language & Region. To make
 the problem disappear from your iPhone, follow these steps:

1. If you use just one software keyboard, temporarily add an arbitrary
 one in Settings, General, Keyboard, Keyboards, Add New Keyboard.
 2. Open the Notes app.
 3. Create a new note.
4. Press the left arrow key and the right arrow key simultaneously to
 turn off the quick navigation option.
5. Hold down the command key and press the space key several times to
 cycle through the list of software keyboards.
6. Press the left arrow key and the right arrow key simultaneously to
 turn on the quick navigation option.
7. Now your Bluetooth keyboard should work fine except other iOS bugs. 8. You may delete the software keyboard temporarily added at Settings,
 General, Keyboard, Keyboards.

This is a copy of the email sent to RiVO customers to resolve the issue
 ( since it should also resolve the problem for
 other Bluetooth keyboards as well.

End of quote

        This is Martin speaking now. After activating notes from
the touch screen, I selected compose and did as the instructions
said. I had selected a Spanish keyboard as the software keyboard so I typed
Command+Space and heard Espaniole then English and then
Espaniole again as there were now two software keyboards.
        I left it on English. You then just get out of notes and
the BT KB now works as well as it did in IOS6.
        The IOS8 accessibility stack was simply not ready for
prime time. While I do not have any inside knowledge of how the
OS works, it appears that various parts of the system are not
speaking to each other during installation and setup. If your
are using an English or Russian or Chinese locale, all important
modules such as the keyboard translator should understand which
character sets to use without the end user having to essentially
initialize them. In unix, we call this the environment and make
use of environmental variables and it generally works
beautifully. IOS is not unix but the concept is an old and
tested one. We are using XYZ language so everything that deals
with text and fonts knows this and behaves accordingly unless
specifically told otherwise.
        I hope this helps somebody. Knowledge is worth a lot
more when it is concentrated in one place. Treasure hunts are
fun and challenging but sometimes, we just want stuff to work.

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Why pay someone to mess about with my food? When I can quite adequately mess about with it myself!

Georgina Joyce
Applied Psychologist
Training and Coaching.
Because individuals of groups matter!

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