
Go to VersionTracker and look for MPlayer OS X (assuming you're on OS 
X); it has a bug or two (most notably, a tendency to start every clip 
at full blast until you turn the application's volume control down) 
but is generally more accommodating with both .avi and .mpg files.

At 11:23 AM -0400 7/13/03, John Stone wrote:

>Hello All,
>Hey, I'm trying to paly an .avi but I get a quicktime error message 
>that "QT doesn't have the necessary component and it isn't on the 
>web site". Is there a utility that converts avis to qt 
>U-2 and SR-71 Web Page
>Those who would sacrifice Liberty for Security deserve neither 
>-Benjamin Franklin
>| The next meeting of the Louisville Computer Society will
>| be July 22. The LCS Web page is <>.
>| This list's page is <>.


B. Eric Bradley, graphic designer and doer of stuff
P.O. Box 4904, Louisville, KY 40204  USA
The nicest guy you know.

| The next meeting of the Louisville Computer Society will
| be July 22. The LCS Web page is <>.
| This list's page is <>.

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