On Saturday, January 11, 2003, at 11:34  PM, Henri Yandell wrote:
> Is that what you are experiencing here? The key you use to wake the 
> iMac
> up doesn't get written?

Not quite...  I was so well trained in Windoze, where one awakens one's 
machine by wiggling the mouse.  That doesn't work on the iMac if I've 
been away for more than a few minutes.  The booklet that came in the 
iMac box pointed to the power button, so I've been reawakening it by 
pushing the power button.  Whatever was on the screen before comes back 
unaltered.  I had no idea I could use a key on the keyboard for this.

<<moments of feeling like a "dummy" or an "idiot" inserted here>>

So the iMac is "sleeping" or "dozing" or "napping" (not shut down, just 
left for a while).  I bring it back to life with the power button, use 
a mouse click or 2 to get to whatever website (let's say hotmail.com, 
although the same thing happens on others, like nytimes and 
yahoogroups), and when I attempt to type "alylex" in the login box, 
what I get is "lylex".  Could the iMac think the "a" is the key I'm 
using to reawaken it?

>> I think your only alternative, since you use web mail, is Netscape. 
>> Try it.
>> Chimera is just a basic browser.
> Safari's big win for me is on my work mail

I've been using the hotmail account for years as my "spam magnet" -- 
when I have to give an email address to some entity I don't know 
personally.  Apple Mail's spam filters are convincing me they are good 
enough that I can wean myself off hotmail.  Does Safari kill pop-ups?


Alex Whitman
alylex at earthlink.net
Louisville, KY
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