Yes, it was I who had the problems with the quitting. But don't keep just
saving to the same file. I did the same thing and after 10 hours of work the
file became corrupt. So now I created 20 folders on a zip disk and every 30
minutes or so I quit the program and drag the file into a new folder. Now if
the file becomes corrupt, I can just restore from any one of the 20 saves...


> Agsteng at wrote:
>> Is anyone besides me having difficulty downloading or installing from CD (I
>> have tried both) the TurboTax Kentucky tax return program?
> I got the Federal on CD last Fall and then downloaded the State in January.
> No problem with anything there.
> Someone recently asked about TT quitting. Today I was entering 1099-Div
> forms and TT did quit. I had to re-enter about half a dozen since my last
> Save, and I then began to Save after every form.
> Allan Atherton
> | The next meeting of the Louisville Computer Society will
> | be February 25. The LCS Web page is <>.

Kind regards,
a0arno01 at

Remember the two most important things in life:
      1. Don't tell everyone everything you know

The software box said, "Windows XP or better," so I bought a Macintosh.

"Macintosh. We may not have done everything right, but at least we knew
the century was going to end."-Douglas Adams

| The next meeting of the Louisville Computer Society will
| be March 25. The LCS Web page is <>.

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