Don't despair - it just means, in all probability, that Stuffit's trying to
unstuff the file and write the new folder to the CD-ROM, which of course it
can't do. Copy the .sit file to your hard drive and unstuff it from there
and it should work just fine. Then you can delete the .sit folder from the
hard drive.

At 04:37 PM 1/10/02 -0500, you wrote:
>Ward, Nelson, Ron, All:  I appreciate your help and have tried using Stuffit
>Expander and now I get the message " The disk with your preferrred folder is
>locked"  I can't figure out how to unlock it
>george Yankey
>The next meeting of the Louisville Computer Society will be January 22.
>For more information, see <>. A calendar of
>activities is at <>.

The next meeting of the Louisville Computer Society will be January 22.
For more information, see <>. A calendar of
activities is at <>.

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