Do you use a palm pilot?

> I just upgraded to panther and when I log in I get the following error
> message:
> The application "Transport Monitor" could not be launched because of a
> shared library error: "8<Transport Monitor><Transport
> Monitor><HotSyncLib.PPC> < >"
> What does this mean and what do I do about it?
> Thanks.
> Harry
> | The next meeting of the Louisville Computer Society will
> | be January 27. The LCS Web page is <>.
> | This list's page is <>.

Kind regards,
a0arno01 at

Remember the two most important things in life:
      1. Don't tell everyone everything you know

The software box said, "Windows XP or better," so I bought a Macintosh.

"Macintosh. We may not have done everything right, but at least we knew
the century was going to end."-Douglas Adams

| The next meeting of the Louisville Computer Society will
| be January 27. The LCS Web page is <>.
| This list's page is <>.

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