
With Panther you can indeed print every last detail from your Address 
Book. When you click File > Print, you get a pop-up window where you 
can design your print-out: which printer, what size paper, vertical or 
horizontal, and a list of "Attributes": phone, email, address, instant 
messenger, photo, job title, department, company, nickname, phonetic 
name, names, birthday, date, note, and homepage. If you check all the 
boxes, you get a very long print-out! (Address Book is much more 
customizable now; you can create your own attributes (like "children's 
names". I suspect, though, that if you want those in your print-out you 
would have to list the children's names in a field that is on the 
print-out list. I would try putting the children's names in a category 
that I'm not using for that person, like phonetic name.) I personally 
think the new version is vastly better than the old, and so far I have 
not found anything I want to do that it can't accommodate. I will be 
the first to say, however, that my needs are not complex.)

I have never tried to print my calendar, so I can't help you there. But 
perhaps I will try it just to find out.

I have never had more than one Mac at a time, so can't help with 
multi-syncing either. I do have a .Mac account, and I have no idea how 
to do any of this without it!

After you install Panther, you will only have to re-download the 
iSyncPalmConduit 1.2 from the Apple website. Once set up, your 
preferences stay put and you don't have to constantly fuss with 
changing conduits.


On Jan 3, 2004, at 2:43 PM, Marta Edie PB wrote:

> Hi Harry and Alex,
> i am so glad you are discussing this matter, because I  use the palm 
> zire 71 and am not sure what i will be in for when i turn to Panther. 
> At the moment I use palm desktop on my powerbook, because I  like that 
> you can print whole addresses from the Palm software, not so with 
> Apple addressbook. There you can only print telephone numbers or 
> e-mail addresses with the name. That is a flaw of that Apple 
> addressbook and  irritating to me. Neither can you print your calendar 
> in a list form, which to me is important, because i can go back and 
> trace all appts and events  etc for the last few years in a printout 
> list. I  had hoped with Panther it would be different, but apparently 
> it is not..
> With my i-Mac  I  sync all the palm data and  Apple addressbook stuff 
> and iCAl  and through my .mac account  everything to my powerbook and 
> sync the pictures into my i-photo folders ( zire 71 has that little 
> camera in it) .
> The trouble with i-sync is that it overrides all the palm desktop  
> except the note pad and the pictures. In order to not have to change 
> conduits all the time from the abled to the disabled, I chose to 
> hot-sync palm stuff only on my PB  to  get all the entries that can be 
> printed in addressbook form, and i-sync everything on my i-Mac which 
> then shows on my PB too.
> If anybody could tell me how to print out address lists from the Apple 
> stuff, I would not need the  palm addressbook and calendar at all. ( 
> there once was a download where you were to work through text-edit to 
> print total addresses, but it was not successful, it lost its 
> formatting.)
>  Will Panther tell you what to install for Palm? Or is that a new 
> download? I, too have too many palm  do-dos and conduits etc floating 
> around.
> Marta
> On Saturday, Jan 3, 2004, at 13:41 US/Eastern, Alex Whitman wrote:
>> Hi Harry-
>> I use a Handspring Treo - like your Visor, it runs Palm OS, so I do 
>> need
>> some of the Palm software in order to HotSync. But I use iCal and 
>> Apple
>> Address Book on the iMac because they are friendlier (to me) than Palm
>> Desktop. I used Palm Desktop with Windows98 and XP boxes back before 
>> I saw
>> the light.
>> I still have everything I need to run Classic apps... I just haven't 
>> ever
>> needed any (yet!).
>> Alex
>> ...... Original Message .......
>> On Fri, 2 Jan 2004 21:59:00 -0500 "Harry Jacobson-Beyer"
>> <harryjb at> wrote:
>>> Alex,
>>> Don't know what to tell you. I use Palm Desktop because I have a
>>> Handspring Visor (palm lookalike). I used it with OS9 and now with
>>> panther. My classic is on a separate partition but I'm not deleting
>>> anything on that partition. It just stays there waiting....
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