One of the guys at work told me about the PodCast “Business Wars”….dang if you 
are into this type thing it’s simply amazing….

The first I listened to was the battle between Netflix, Blockbuster and HBO.

The back story is fantastic, Netscape which was the David in the video wars was 
saved by two event…first Steve Jobs called Reed Hastings, the CEO,  and ask him 
if he would like Apple to feature Netscape on it’s new iPad devise…now a method 
for folks to steam video’s to a mobile devise that was worthy of watching…it 
was a turn around for the company.  The second was the new CEO deciding to can 
the new streaming app. that Blockbuster had just developed…talk about a leader 
out of the 19th Century. 

This Podcast details the jockeying of all three companies for dominance…very 

The second was the battle between Adidas and Nike shoes…boy what an interesting 
story…it begs one to wonder why people are such lemmings to follow what others 
do…when Adidas signed the best European Soccer player to their brand they sold 
500,000 shoes in the next few days, then a second run of 500,000 sold out 
immediately, then the third….why as humans are we this way?

But, the heist of all was when Nike wanted to sign Jordan….he wants to go with 
Adidas but Nike flew he and his parent so their offices in Oregon….he was 
unimpressed and continued to say he wanted Adidas….he had just signed with the 

They brought out a shoe just for him, he didn’t like the height of the sole of 
the shoe so they said they would custom design it to suit him…no other 
manufacture had offered to do this for him…then they played a video of some of 
his college highlight and at the end showed two Black Mercedes that were his, 
along with a $500,000 yearly contract for 5 years….that did it, he wanted no 
more meetings, he would sign with Nike..and this was the beginning of the Nike 

These stores are brilliant and give the back story of how companies fought 
their way to the top or failed.

Possibly some of you would find this interesting…

For we Apple users I can listen to this with the AirPods, or the PowerBeats 
Pro, change to the HomePod when in the office, control al of this with the 
Apple Watch…it’s simply amazing what Apple has done for us…I went to the Apple 
Store to order the AirPods Pro, on the 29th….could hardly get in the store, my 
wife stood outside, said she didn’t want to go in.  I wanted to use the Apple 
Gift Cards to try the AirPod Pros, but they would not order them from the 
store, had to be done on line…just before Christmas there was a two week 
waiting period, now it’s month.  

The store, double the size of the old store, was so busy it was hard to walk 
through…I read this week that, Buffett, the largest shareholder of Apple Stock, 
has had his investment value double in just a couple short years.   

This is one amazing company.


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