Hello everyone,

Firstly, congratulations for the project. I am starting to learn about 
machinekit and 3D printers so I am noob and maybe my questions will be also 
noob questions.

A few years ago, I have started learning a bit about machinekit using the 
documentation and the analyzing the code of the FDM Printer UNI-PRINT-3D 
(https://github.com/thecooltool/UNI-PRINT-3D) that I executed in a SD image 
to the BeagleBone Black with all preconfigured (Debian Jessie and 
machinekit from machinekit.io repositories) and everything was Ok.

Now I would like to start again learning more about machinekit so I tried 
to configure the machinekit-hal in Debian Buster to run a FDM 3D printer 
example (I am trying to adapt UNI-PRINT-3D) but I have got stuck so I need 
help to continue.

1-> I have installed the last debian buster image for the BBB with a RT 
PREEMPT kernel: 

    machinekit@beaglebone:~$ uname -a
    Linux beaglebone 4.19.94-ti-rt-r68 #1buster SMP PREEMPT RT Thu Sep 16 
15:32:36 UTC 2021 armv7l GNU/Linux

2-> I have added the cloudsmith repositories for machinekit, machinekit-hal 
and emcapplication

3-> I have installed the machinekit-hal and emcapplication packages from 
repositories (I have tried RIP installation for machinekit-hal but always 
get stuck at some point)

4-> I have tested that the commands "realtime start/stop" and it works.

5-> I have tested a basic machinekit example: the anddemo example 
(https://github.com/qtquickvcp/anddemo.git). The example works Ok and 
changing the REMOTE from 0 to 1 in /etc/machinekit/machinekit.ini I can 
also connect remotely using the MachinekitClient.

6-> I was trying a more complex example for a 3D FDM printer (the 
UNI-PRINT-3D because is the only example I have tested before). I don't 
know if there is a more suitable example but I couldn't find one working in 
the new machinekit-hal version.

7-> When I try to launch the printer I got this error: ./uni_print_3d.py:2: 
Unknown command 'import'

I paste the all sequence:

    machinekit@beaglebone:~/UNI-PRINT-3D$ python run.py -e 1 
    loading paralell_cape3.bbio... done
    starting configserver... done
    starting linuxcnc... LINUXCNC - 2.9.0~pre0
    Machine configuration directory is '/home/machinekit/UNI-PRINT-3D'
    Machine configuration file is 'startup.ini'
    ('halfiles = ', ['uni_print_3d.py', 'touchy.hal'])
    ('halpaths = ', ['/home/machinekit/UNI-PRINT-3D/uni_print_3d.py'])

    Starting LinuxCNC...
    rtapi_msgd command:  /usr/libexec/machinekit/rtapi_msgd --instance=0 
--rtmsglevel=1 --usrmsglevel=1 --debug=1 --halsize=524288
    rtapi_app command:  /usr/libexec/machinekit/rtapi_app --instance=0 
    3::2854:rt INFO:  Picked default flavor 'rt-preempt' automatically
    Found file(REL): ./uni_print_3d.py
    ./uni_print_3d.py:2: Unknown command 'import'
    Shutting down and cleaning up LinuxCNC...
    LinuxCNC terminated with an error.  You can find more information in 
the log:
    as well as in the output of the shell command 'dmesg' and in the 
    stopping configserver... done

I do not know why this error appears and how to solve it. Any ideas?  Can I 
not use python HAL?

8-> I have also tried starting from anddemo example that works (not 
launching linuxcnc) but I got stuck because my installation has not the 
trajectory planner 'tp' component. Do I have to install more packages? Is 
there a new trajectory planner in the new machinekit-hal version?

I pasted the test:

    machinekit@beaglebone:~/UNI-PRINT-3D$ realtime start
    rtapi_msgd command:  /usr/libexec/machinekit/rtapi_msgd --instance=0 
--rtmsglevel=1 --usrmsglevel=1 --debug=1 --halsize=524288
    rtapi_app command:  /usr/libexec/machinekit/rtapi_app --instance=0 
    3::3045:rt INFO:  Picked default flavor 'rt-preempt' automatically
    machinekit@beaglebone:~/UNI-PRINT-3D$ halcmd loadrt tp
    1:rtapi_app:3045:user load(tp): tp.so: cannot open shared object file: 
No such file or directory
    1:rtapi_app:3045:user do_load_cmd: tp.so: cannot open shared object 
file: No such file or directory
    <commandline>:0: insmod failed, returned -1:
    do_load_cmd: tp.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or 

Finally, Can I use only machinekit-hal for implementing a FDM 3D Printer? 
Do you know any example? Or maybe, Do I have to use the old packages from 
machinekit.io repositories?

Sorry for the long post, but after spend a lot of hours reading 
documentation and testing things I had a lot of questions.

Thank you very much in advance.

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